OSDI Calculator
The OSDI ( Ocular Surface Disease Index) helps your eye care practitioner to understand how conditions like dry eye syndrome are affecting you in performing day-to-day life. Fill out the form below to find out your OSDI Score!
The OSDI is assessed on a scale of 0 to 100, with higher scores representing greater disability. The index demonstrates sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing between normal subjects and patients with dry eye disease. The OSDI is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring dry eye disease (normal, mild to moderate, and severe) and its effect on vision-related function.
Schiffman RM, Christianson MD, Jacobsen G, Hirsch JD, Reis BL. Reliability and validity of the ocular surface disease index. Archives of ophthalmology. 2000 May 1;118(5):615-21.